"Florence is the most amazing artist and community-minded person I know! Her work is full of vivid color and life, and behind each brushstroke, there is a lightness and attention to detail that sings! So when you have finished your remodel, or home project, it will be all the more stunning with a unique piece of art from Flo, who can also customize whatever you want in any size!" - Rachel

"Florence's paintings and murals exude happiness! They are so colorful and they really brighten up a room/wall. If you like color, you will love her work!" Melissa

"I am fortunate to own a number of Flo de Bretagne's beautiful paintings as part of my art collection. Flo is a highly skilled and intuitive artist and has a wonderful and growing reputation in our community, nationally and internationally. Her art is fresh, lively and I feel a sense of joy and inspiration whenever I see it! I often receive compliments about how beautiful they are!" Jeff

"12-15 years ago I bought 6 little paintings from Flo de Bretagne that I had found online. Since then, we have been super happy with them. They are so vibrant, happy and whimsical. They are the perfect addition to our house in Brazil, they bring warmth and they have an uplifting spirit." Laila

"I own 3 of Florence's paintings and I smile every time I see them. I was first drawn to her art due to the whimsical themes and vividly bright colors. I didn't realize then just how much they would have an impact on me and bring joy to my everyday life. I get the same feedback on the paintings from friends and family who visit. Isn't that what art in your home should be all about?" Marina
"I have one of Florence de Bretagne's paintings in our beach house in Carmel. It is absolutely amazing and is perfect for the location. It seems born to belong there. That home is my sanctuary, and the artwork is part of the sense of refuge and relaxation. Florence is a terrific, talented artist, and her colorful abstracts are a delight. " Wendy

"We bought a beautiful peacock from Florence to decorate our main entrance. We had a fantastic experience with Florence, very pleasant , dedicated and professional and we now have the pleasure to enjoy her painting everyday." Elisa

"I found Flo's art on the internet and was drawn to the vibrancy of the colors and its whimsical feel. I wrote to Flo about it and she promptly replied with photos of some other pieces I might want to consider. Flo's painting now brightens up my entire room. It adds a buoyancy that was missing. It came very carefully wrapped and in perfect condition." Jennifer

"Florence is an amazing artist and human being, which translates into her works. We have two of Florence's paintings that bring joy and life to our home and are the center focus of our kitchen dining area. Her color palettes are amazing." Megan
"Florence painted a quadriptych for my living room that beautifully captured the colors and feelings of serenity I had requested. I also have one of her paintings of a flower that bursts with color and attracts attention for its joy and liveliness. I would absolutely work with her again when I need more art for my home." Loree

"I am a proud recipient of one
of Flo's "Seeds" paintings, a gift given
to me for my birthday from my son and daughter-in-law. I've hang it in my kitchen where I mostly hang out in my home. It is so joyful and reminds me everyday to begin it with fresh thoughts and ideas. I love the colors, shapes and design-truly masterful and a wonderful inspiration for me." Kathy

"Flo's painting, which is hung in
our hall in Paris, reflects pure joy, light, and hope. So many emotions that Flo, a passionate artist, represented in this painting. This magnificent peacock with flamboyant feathers is an invitation to discover our inner world, to persevere in our projects, and to dare our own journey." Nathalie